Self Discovery
Are you clear about who you are and what you want in life? What your values are and what drives you? What defines you and what makes you happy? Do you like your job or where your career is going?
These are the kind of tough questions that are asked to help guide you to a greater self-awareness.
The primary focus of Perspective Counseling is to help people be more honest with themselves, to broaden their perspective of their self and the world around them. To make peace with their painful past and cultivate true values that will guide them toward a better future.
Self-discovery can mean many things. It means finding your purpose in life. It means digging deep into your childhood and revealing the experiences that shaped you... good and bad. It means assuming responsibility for your life and confronting your internal conflicts. Above all, it means, not only asking the tough questions, but asking the right questions.
In therapy we use the powerful tool of Self-reflection for examining your own conscious and unconscious thoughts/feelings. When you take the time to dig deeper, you can discover your true self. We will bring these unconscious patterns to the surface and begin the process of pulling apart what is conditioned in us versus what is our truer selves. Talk therapy will help you integrate your thinking, feelings, and actions into a more unified flow.
As your therapist, I place a high value on being my true self. And I encourage you to trust yourself so you can more easily access and express the full range of your feelings. I take an active role in the therapy room, helping you find the answers that are most relevant to your own experience.